Stale pololu/vl53l0x-arduino

The current repository for the vl53l0x laser ToF distance sensor pololu/vl53l0x-arduino is not maintained.
Specifically it contains a timeout bug that blocks the whole processor, for which a PR is unmerged for over a year. Also I ran into a wrong calculation (details don’t matter here), where the PR is also unmerged.
I would propose that the library registry points to one of the many forks, e.g. my own fork Cirromulus/vl53l0x-arduino.

With the new PIO trusted registry in place, you can just publish your own library package. As can be seen on the lib page, the library can be included by doing a

lib_deps = 
  pololu/VL53L0X @ ^1.3.0

in owner/library @ version form. If you publish your updated lib under your PIO account, then there’ll be e.g. curromulus/VL53L0X available. See documentation for publishing.

I don’t think PlatformIO staff should just un-register a library or modify an owner’s library to point somewhere else… that’s just meddling in someone’s affairs.

Ah, I did not know that.
Thanks, this seems to be the better way.

That was introduced in PIO core 5: Migrating from 5.x to 6.0 — PlatformIO latest documentation has good information on it in general.