Specify main header file in PlatformIO registry

Hi, i just published the DCS-BIOS library in cooperation with the guys that own the repo, but the installation page lists Addresses.h in “Include it” in the Installation step. Thats not the proper header, can i point the repository system to the right header “DcsBios.h” using library.properties? We don’t want to rename the main header to DCS-BIOS.h because there are a lot of users and docs pointing to “DcsBios.h” already. PlatformIO Registry

Give your library a library.json file and specify the headers attribute.

Will it work with library.properties as well? Don’t want two places where i have to bump the version number every time.

Try it. library.properties also specifies includes.


  • includes - (available from Arduino IDE 1.6.10) (optional) a comma separated list of files of the library to be added to the sketch as #include <...> lines. This property is used with the “Include library” command in the Arduino IDE. If the includes property is missing, all the header files (.h) on the root source folder are included.

I put both includes and headers there to point to the same file, cant hurt. Worked in a test repo, waiting for PR to main repo to be accepted. Thank you