Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Plus support?

I see that Sparkfun ESP32 Thing is supported in PlatformIO, but I don’t see Thing Plus. Is it the same or different?

I havent used either of them (using EPS8266’s all the time though) but since both are ESP32 based, my bet is it’ll probably be the same. A quick look online suggests the differences are only in the board layout, so code-wise it should be the same. Also, Sparkfun says both are supported by the ESP32 Arduino Core, and that doesn’t distinguish between the Thing and Thing Plus either.

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The boards are not the same.

Having a look at the datasheets, the most obvious differences are the pins for I2C and the built-in LED. That is already enough to justify a seperate board profile.

I ran across this thread, and have been able to use the “Plus” version by selecting the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing (non-plus) board. And thought I’d reply here for others that find this thread – the main thing is just making sure to reference the pinouts and set up things properly in the code.

For example, I’m also using I2C with the new board, using the Arduino framework with <Wire.h> included. Then defining SDA and SCL pins with Wire.begin(SDA, SCL). Below are the items specifically referenced, and obviously not the entirety of the code.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#define SDA 23
#define SCL 22

void setup()
Wire.being(SDA, SCL);

Hope that helps someone! :grinning: