[SOLVED] Can not install https://github.com/Wiz-IO/wizio-pico, 1. post here, please help!

In March I installed with that command line. No issue

~$ pio platform install file://wizio-pico-main.zip
Platform Manager: Installing file://wizio-pico-main.zip
Unpacking [####################################] 100%
Platform Manager: wizio-pico @ 1.0.9 has been installed!
Tool Manager: Installing git+https://github.com/Wiz-IO/framework-wizio-pico.git
git version 2.30.2
Klone nach ‘/home/kalle/.platformio/.cache/tmp/pkg-installing-heub_0v9’ …
remote: Enumerating objects: 1065, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1065/1065), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (799/799), done.
remote: Total 1065 (delta 226), reused 926 (delta 210), pack-reused 0
Empfange Objekte: 100% (1065/1065), 2.81 MiB | 6.37 MiB/s, fertig.
Löse Unterschiede auf: 100% (226/226), fertig.
Tool Manager: framework-wizio-pico @ 1.0.9+sha.6205459 has been installed!
Tool Manager: Installing platformio/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ ~1.70201.0
Downloading [####################################] 100%
Unpacking [####################################] 100%
Tool Manager: toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ 1.70201.0 has been installed!
Tool Manager: Installing git+https://github.com/Wiz-IO/tool-wizio-pico.git
git version 2.30.2
Klone nach ‘/home/kalle/.platformio/.cache/tmp/pkg-installing-31u5z8v_’ …
remote: Enumerating objects: 20, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 20 (delta 0), reused 2 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Empfange Objekte: 100% (20/20), 1.21 MiB | 5.29 MiB/s, fertig.
Tool Manager: tool-wizio-pico @ 1.0.0+sha.3a504e1 has been installed!
The platform ‘file://wizio-pico-main.zip’ has been successfully installed!
The rest of the packages will be installed later depending on your build environment.

8 month later trying to install on a fresh Linux machine, I am stuck …

~$ pio pkg install https://github.com/Wiz-IO/wizio-pico
Usage: pio pkg install [OPTIONS]
Try 'pio pkg install -h' for help.

Error: Got unexpected extra argument (https://github.com/Wiz-IO/wizio-pico)

~$ pio pkg install file://wizio-pico-main.zip
Usage: pio pkg install [OPTIONS]
Try 'pio pkg install -h' for help.

Error: Got unexpected extra argument (file://wizio-pico-main.zip)

Thx - KH

pio platform install XYZ is equivalent to pio pkg install -g -p XYZ. You’re missing the ‘global’ and ‘platform’ flag.

1 Like

This here

~$ pio pkg install -g -p file://wizio-pico-main.zip

Platform Manager: Installing file://wizio-pico-main.zip
Unpacking [####################################] 100%
Platform Manager: wizio-pico@1.1.1 has been installed!
Tool Manager: Installing git+link
Error: Please install Git client from link

creates a new folder ~$ .platformio/platforms/wizio-pico/

but the rest is missing.


~$ pio pkg install -g -p link

Platform Manager: Installing git+link
Error: Please install Git client from link
I also see that ERROR message.

And trying to

~/Anwendungen/platformio_projects/oXs_on_RP2040-main$ pio run
Processing raspberry-mstrens (platform: wizio-pico; board: raspberry-pi-pico; framework: baremetal)
Tool Manager: Installing git+*link*
Error: Please install Git client from *link*

I don’t get it working …

br KH

PS. Had to remove the links, this board tells me.

change version to version from package.json

Hope, I understood …

  • Unpacked ‘wizio-pico-main.zip’
  • Modified ‘package.json’. Changed the two marked lines

version “GitHub - Wiz-IO/tool-wizio-picoto “1.1.1”

  • Repacked wizio-pico-main.zip

~$ pio pkg install -g -p file://wizio-pico-main.zip
Platform Manager: Installing file://wizio-pico-main.zip
Unpacking [####################################] 100%
Platform Manager: wizio-pico@1.1.1 has been installed!
Tool Manager: Installing framework-wizio-pico @ 1.1.1
Error: Could not find the package with ‘framework-wizio-pico @ 1.1.1’ requirements for your system ‘linux_x86_64’

br - KH

That won’t work because the framework-wizio-pico is not listed in the registry.

Just install git through your packet manager, you’ll need many times as a developer. E.g., on debian-derived distributions, execute sudo apt install git.

Then the original

pio pkg install -g -p https://github.com/Wiz-IO/wizio-pico.git

should go through without problems. I would not recommend to mess around with the platform.json to try and redirect some packages to local files, install everything as originally intended.

Max, that did it!

The installation, I did in March, was on my Debian host, where ‘git’ was installed before, but this try was on a fresh Debian guest in a VM. Installing ‘git’ there did it!
Thx a lot and br - KH

if compiler is installed
download 4 platform gits and unzip it


and edit versions from .platformio/platforms/wizio-pico/platform.json

  "packages": {
    "framework-wizio-pico": {
        "type": "framework",
        "Xversion": "https://github.com/Wiz-IO/framework-wizio-pico.git",
    "toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi": {
        "owner": "platformio",
        "type": "toolchain",
        "version": "~1.70201.0"
    "tool-wizio-pico": {
        "type": "uploader",
        "Xversion": "https://github.com/Wiz-IO/tool-wizio-pico.git",
    "tool-pico-openocd": {
      "optional": true,
      "type": "debugger",
      "Xversion": "https://github.com/Wiz-IO/tool-pico-openocd",

You link to the 1st of 4 repositories (https://github.com/Wiz-IO/wizio-pico) does not work. Did this move somewhere else?

The repo may be privated?

If it was privated, I wonder why. maybe we just have to go back to one of the base options as Wizio-pico does not seem to be an option anymore.

I guess these are the base options going forward?
platform = raspberrypi
platform = GitHub - platformio/platform-raspberrypi: Raspberry Pi: development platform for PlatformIO
platform = GitHub - maxgerhardt/platform-raspberrypi: Raspberry Pi: development platform for PlatformIO

I have been trying to install wizio pico in platform io in vscode, but all failed. The code has also been removed, and the page displays 404. My system relies on wizio pico, and without it, it would be a lot of trouble.
In addition, the installation of framework wizio pico also failed, and this error occurred!
I can find similar source files here:

The installation can be successful, but it cannot be used.
install /Wiz-IO/framework-wizio-pico,error:
IO Core Call Error: “Platform Manager: Installing git+https://github.com/Wiz-IO/framework-wizio-pico\r\ngit version 2.40.0.windows.1\n\n\nCloning into ‘C:\Users\aepub\.platformio\.cache\tmp\pkg-installing-6mchv4tb’…\nError: Could not find one of ‘platform.json’ manifest files in the package”

Sorry, there can only be two links in the post, and the following https is replaced by * * * *!
I searched for wizio pico on GitHub and found a copy of Fork here: ****://github.com/AlpenglowIndustries/wizio-pico 。

I also forked it to my github and modified the contents of the file platform.json as follows:

“name”: “wizio-pico”,
“title”: “WizIO - Raspberry Pi Pico”,
“description”: “Development platform for Raspberry Pi Pico 2021 Georgi Angelov”,
“homepage”: “://www.wizio.eu/",
“license”: “Apache-2.0”,
“engines”: {
“platformio”: “^5”
“repository”: {
“type”: “git”,
“url”: "
“version”: “1.0.9”,
“packageRepositories”: [
“frameworks”: {
“baremetal”: {
“package”: “framework-wizio-pico”,
“script”: “builder/frameworks/sdk.py”
“arduino”: {
“package”: “framework-wizio-pico”,
“script”: “builder/frameworks/arduino.py”
“boot2”: {
“package”: “framework-wizio-pico”,
“script”: “builder/frameworks/boot2.py”

“packages”: {
“framework-wizio-pico”: {
“type”: “framework”,
“Xversion”: “://github.com/Wiz-IO/framework-wizio-pico.git",
“toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi”: {
“owner”: “platformio”,
“type”: “toolchain”,
“version”: “~1.70201.0”
“tool-wizio-pico”: {
“type”: “uploader”,
“version”: "
“tool-pico-openocd”: {
“optional”: true,
“type”: “debugger”,
“version”: “****://github.com/Wiz-IO/tool-pico-openocd”


Then install it in vscode’s platform io, but this time, this prompt appears:
PIO Core Call Error: “Platform Manager: wizio-pico@1.0.9+sha.f5e14eb is already installed\r\nTool Manager: Installing framework-wizio-pico @ 1.1.1\r\n\n\nError: Could not find the package with ‘framework-wizio-pico @ 1.1.1’ requirements for your system ‘windows_amd64’”
I can’t uninstall vscode and platform again.


The wizio-pico project is closed … use alternatives

What are alternatives to develop with platformio for RP2040 and using only SDK?
Does it exist?

Well you could check whether platform = https://github.com/AlpenglowIndustries/wizio-pico.git is a recent enough backup so that your application can still be built.

Also, while not 1:1 source-code-compatible, you can use the Arduino-Pico core in PlatformIO, which gives you access to the Pico SDK functions too. See here, here and here.

I want to compile this RP2040 project:

This project relies on wio-pico. I have newly installed vscode and platformio, and compilation was not successful without the wio-pico project.

Can you tell me what can be replaced?Thanks!

I’ve reuploaded @mstrens’s wizio-pico version to GitHub - maxgerhardt/wizio-pico: Backup of last-known WizIO-Pico platform written by @WizIO, cloned all needed subrepos and repointed them in the platform.json and had to apply a build fix that excluses Pico LWIP (for Pico W). Examples seem to be compiling and working again.

So if you have platform = https://github.com/Wiz-IO/wizio-pico.git in your platformio.ini just use platform = https://github.com/maxgerhardt/wizio-pico.git. If your project says platform = wizio-pico, install it from the new URL per README.

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And @wizio please tell me if a reupload is not wanted or if there are code licensing issues. All code files have unmodified license identifiers.

Basically the “License” was: “Free for all”
I deleted the project, you restore it :slight_smile:
I’m not looking for rights … who wants to use it, no problems

For more than two years, only two, three people helped develop the project
No one said: Thank you…
Board manufacturers: no one even sent boards for experiments
( it’s not about 5$ … i had over 1000 of them )

and so on…