Setting up USB-JTAG with ESP32-C3

I am using this ESP32-C3, which seems to be some strange chinese cloned board, and want to set up the step debugging in VS Code + PlatformIO.
enter image description here

First of all I was not able to find a board file in PlatformIO, but the Ai-Thinker ESP-C3-M1-I-Kit seems to be somehow close to it. But this page also tells the board is “IS NOT READY for debugging”, which I find strange as the ESP32-C3 should have JTAG exposed in its USB interface… At least this is how I read the datasheet. Any idea why this should not work?

Maybe someone can verify USB-JTAG debugging is possible with this MCU?

This is my current platformio.ini file

platform = espressif32
board = esp32-c3-m1i-kit
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
debug_tool = custom
debug_port= localhost:3333
debug_server = pio pkg exec -p tool-openocd-esp32 -- openocd -f board/esp32c3-builtin.cfg
debug_init_break = setup

I did clone and install openocd from the espressif fork. In VSCode, when I click Platformio > Debug I get a lot yellow prompt followed by this error:

> Retrieving maximum program size .pio/build/esp32-c3-m1i-kit/firmware.elf
> Checking size .pio/build/esp32-c3-m1i-kit/firmware.elf
> Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
> RAM:   [          ]   4.1% (used 13532 bytes from 327680 bytes)
> Flash: [==        ]  17.0% (used 222566 bytes from 1310720 bytes)
> Building .pio/build/esp32-c3-m1i-kit/firmware.bin
> v4.5.1
> Creating esp32c3 image...
> Merged 2 ELF sections
> Successfully created esp32c3 image.
> ========================= [SUCCESS] Took 3.30 seconds =========================
> undefinedDebugInvalidOptionsError: Could not launch Debug Server 'pio pkg exec -p tool-openocd-esp32 -- openocd -f board/esp32c3-builtin.cfg'. Please check that it is installed and is included in a system PATH
> See

**undefinedDebugInvalidOptionsError: Could not launch Debug Server 'pio pkg exec -p tool-openocd-esp32 -- openocd -f board/esp32c3-builtin.cfg'. Please check that it is installed and is included in a system PATH** 
nerdyscout@tuxedo:/home/nerdyscout $ whereis openocd
openocd: /usr/local/bin/openocd

nerdyscout@tuxedo:/home/nerdyscout $ echo $PATH            

So it seems like openocd can not correct found, but I belive my PATH is set up correct.