I have Project A that I’m currently developing.
Project A has dependency of Library B that I made.
Library B has dependency of Library C that i did not make.
Library C requires a ton of flags being supplied through build_flags in platformio.ini:
…And the list goes on. How do I, in Library B, imbed these defines so Project A does not need to know about them? Can I also do that as part of Library B’s platformio.ini? Just supplying them as #define’s in Library B does not work, it’s not picked up by Library C.
It doesn’t seem to work as I want it. When added to Library B’s library.json, Library C (which i have no control over) doesn’t see the defines when building.
I’m not sure how the dependency building works - but i would expect it to be something like this:
Building Project A, it will build Library B. As Library C is a dependency of LIbrary B, it will be build with Library B’s build settings.
If i directly copy the build flags from Library B to Project A then everything works as expected - but that was kinda the whole point wrapping it up in LIbrary B in the first place, so that’s no good.