I found this discussion and try to set the fuse (Bod 4.3V) with Atom and PlatformIO via platformio.ini. It is also described in the PIO documention I read - here
It looks like this:
platform = atmelmegaavr
board = nano_every
framework = arduino
board_fuses.efuse = 0xFE
or better board_hardware.bod = 4.3v???
But I cannot find any way to set it in the Arduino like mentioned in Atom (found no tasks) and run into the same problems are discuessed there. So are there also tasks in Atom Plugin or should I better move to VSCode.
If I run pio run --target fuses I get “Do not know how to make File target `fuses’ (C:\Users\nils.rottgardt\Sync\Privat\Modellbau\Ladekoffer\Arduino\Charger Supervisor\fuses).”
Thanks in advance for any hint.