Serial monitos doesn't works with multi-file

Hi eveyone again. I have a multi-files proyect, and my proyect compiles but serial monitor doesn`t works.

As a test, I only leave this code

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "opcion1.h"
#define SS 9
#define RST 10

bool momento = true;
bool entrada = false;
bool contador1 = true;

MFRC522 rfid(SS, RST);

void setup() {


  Serial.println("Usos múltiples RFID");


void loop() {



All fine, it compiles, it uploads… But when I start Serial monitor, nothing happends… I tryed it with coolterm but same issue… And the code is so simple.



void setup() {
  Serial.println("Sketch init!");

  Serial.println("Usos múltiples RFID");

i.e. add a Serial.println() right after initialising the serial interface, BEFORE doing something else… maybe the problem is related to your RFID blocking the code from getting past setup?

Yeah… Are you right, after SPI and rfid initializacion Serial doesnt works.
But in another tests, when I use that initializates objects doesn’t fails
The problem is the “No usage”

I am not sure what you mean by this.

If you mean in other code that this does not fail… most likely rfid.PCD_Init(); is blocking the code from continuing - perhaps the connections are not good, and double check that all of your connections are wired correctly - SS, RST, SCK, MISO, MOSI as well as VCC and GND.