I complied and uploaded a sketch using Serial.println(“Hello World”) on an Aduino UNO board.
The serial monitor window does not display any output.
The serial monitor setup detects the correct comm port and the baud rate is also set correct.
Compiling and uploading the same sketch in the Arduino IDE shows the Arduino serial monitor working fine
The CoolTerm serial monitor also works perfect with this sketch.
Yes, I upload the hex file to the UNO.
The test program has a LED blink and Serial.println routine. The LED blinks but the Serial Monitor window shows no output.
If I run CoolTerm I get the serial output on its window
No, from the command line it works for any case, at the moment I am using pio device monitor --baud 115200 and stop/start before/after programming to debug.
What doesn’t work is the serial monitor within the IDE (clicking on the little plug on the lower left)
I have updated PlatfornIO with the latest software and the Serial Monitor and Terminal are both working perfectly
Thanks for all your support!
For me this problem has now appeared.
Background is: I uninstalled VSCode as well as all directories and reinstalled Atom and PIO.
Everything is working well.
However when I try to use the serial monitor (Shift+CMD+M) it is black text (I think) on black background.
I have tried several themes. The effect is the same: Background can be green, text is still invisible. Only the cursor is visible. Using any external terminal works fine. Problem is the same on Terminal (Shift+CMD+T) Also the build terminal works fine (White text, Black background. Have only seen this since a fresh install yesterday, Home 0.9.5·Core 3.5.3b2. Have tried a few different Terminal Themes. Does not solve the problem.