Serial monitor baudrate

I’m attempting to move over from Arduino to pio. Looks like pio is way more powerful, but requires lots of learning and many things are not easily discoverable.

One thing is the serial monitor, I found how to start it, but how to I configure it to somethings else than 9600 baud ? I tend to use 115200 baud.


After some more searching I found the solution:

In the file platformio.ini add:

monitor_speed = baudRate

For example:

monitor_speed = 115200

You are right, see more options Redirecting...

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I am having an issue with my console not able to match baud rate of 115200 in platformio.ini I have set to 115200 and in the sketch i am using serial.begin (115200); See my highlighted text in Serial output in console belwo.

Thanks realize that I am late with this reply. Don’t know what miniterm is??

— Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp8266_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
— More details at Redirecting...
Miniterm on COM4 9600,8,N,1 –-
— Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H —

So what is the content of your platformio.ini? It’s still diong 9600 baud.

platform = espressif8266
board = esp12e
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps = milesburton/DallasTemperature@^3.9.1

That is correct. Do you have more than one project folder in your VSCode workspace?

Also double check that you’re using the Monitor or Upload and Monitor task of the explicit environment name, esp12e.


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False Alarm, I was looking in the wrong .ini file. Is this the onset of Old Age I wonder? Sorry to bother you Max! Have a wonderful day/night, where ever you are.


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That was my problem exactly. I have too many things open!
Thanks again

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Just joined the community (and started using platformio) and I had the same issue: how to change the baud rate. In the end, it’s quite straightforward and it works fine.

However, I was wondering: can this not be an “overall” setting instead of having to set the baud rate for each and every new project?


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