I think there is something wrong… i can make a simple serial port print on a while loop every second… but as soon as i add I2C i2c(PA08,PA09) it stops working and i dont get anything on serial port.
any of you with similar problems?
I think there is something wrong… i can make a simple serial port print on a while loop every second… but as soon as i add I2C i2c(PA08,PA09) it stops working and i dont get anything on serial port.
any of you with similar problems?
Please open an issue here Issues · platformio/platform-atmelsam · GitHub
Done i just put the issue there
So i have been playing more with it
#include "mbed.h"
#include “string.h”
//--------Board pin Declarations
DigitalOut myled(PB30);
Serial pc(PA22,PA23);//tx, rx
DigitalIn interrupt1(PB04);
DigitalIn interrupt2(PB05);
I2C i2c(PA08,PA09);// I2C pins on Xplained Pro Board
char deviceAddress = 0x1D;
int main()
char byte_read[1];
char who_am_i[1];
i2c.start(); // Start
// done
so if i use this code, in theory i should be writting two times on the SDA line isnt it? well on my scope i am only seeing one clock burst. so it is only sending the device address and it missed sending the register i want to read.
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