Robotdyn atmega328 uno r3 + Wifi

This board seems like a waste of time for me. Sure it is cheap but I’d say you’re better off with the original Uno wifi. Why?
The board has tiny little DIP switches.
Like me, if you want to interact with the Uno I/O and then communicate with a network server such as a MQTT server you need set the DIP switches to upload the sketch to the ATMega328 via the CH340 and the then set the DIP switches to connect the ATMega328 to the ESP8266 Wifi chip once the programming and uploading is complete.
You will also need to include the 8266 wifi libraries in your sketch.
If you are uploading direct to the 8266 (DIP switches set) then you have to remember to press the red reset button every time you load to the board. If you forget it seems to stuff up the USB IO and this can be time consuming while you stuff around with resets of the drivers, IDE and computer…
What a hassle to save a few bucks!