Projects d'nt build any more after new install of platformio/ Atom

Where do I find the setting to make automatically change to the wordking directory for building a project.
This project har been succesfully build before, but after changing to Debian 11 and installing paltformio/ Atom I cannot build any project anymore.

You are trying to execute pio run i a non-project folder it seems. Don’t you want to run pio run within the Deurbel folder instead of the Projects folder above it? Or is it that when you click the build button PlatformIO runs the command in the wrong folder?

Iam answering inlline.

You are trying to execute pio run i a non-project folder it seems.

It is a subfolder of “Projects”

Don’t you want to run pio run within the Deurbel folder instead of the Projects folder above it?

I am used that the build follows the current opened project. Now Platformio/ Atom weems te expect that the concerden files are in the root of the “Folders” directory.

Or is it that when you click the build button PlatformIO runs the command in the wrong folder?

The question is : How do I tell platformoi/ Atom to follow/ accept the current project as the working directory ?

