Projectname with visual studio ide

Hi, ’
When I create a project using `platformio init --ide visualstudio --board d1_mini’
I do get projectfiles which I can use in visual studio.

However, the projectname is always platformio.vcxprj which I cannot change without breaking build process.

Is there a way to get myproject.vcxproj initialized, or to rename the platformio.vcxprj ?

The IDE project generator script just fetches all TPL template files, fills in the blanks and saves them to disk. The Python Script is here and the templates are here. It should work to just rename these from platformio.vcxproj.tpl to myproject.vcxproj.tpl (static rename), but then you don’t have it dynamic. For that, the python logic needs to be edited. You can open a feature-request issue here or submit a pull-request here.

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