Problems with library BLE Mouse for esp32

I wanted to use the library BLE mouse to use with my esp 32, and with the Arduino IDE that was just what i needed to run it, but why i need to install this other library to run it with vs code in platformIO?

Do you have a #include <BleMouse.h> in the src/main.cpp? PlatformIO will not detect sub-dependencies of a library if you don’t include it in your sketch.

The library that it depends on is framework-internal (arduino-esp32/libraries/BLE/src at master · espressif/arduino-esp32 · GitHub), so no further install should be necessary.

But my program can’t finish the processed and fails, so what should i do to fix it?

Here, the full error message

Please show the full platformio.ini and src/ files.


And the other

Can you please try this and try building again.

Ok, now i included, saved and then it worked. The first time i included it didn’t work, but i guess i forgot to save it. Thanks a lot and sorry to bother

guys anyone have soluton

Don’t use a 2 year old library with the latest Arduino-ESP32 3.x core. Or use a fixed version of the library.