Problems Uploading Arduino Sketch to Uno via HC-05 Bluetooth Module

I’ve added an HC-05 Bluetooth module to my project. Its connected to an Arduino Uno. I link to the HC-05 via my laptop which is running PlatformIO. I’m able to see the output to the serial monitor in PlatformIO via the HC-05 (OTA) just fine. In fact, it works flawlessly. However, when I try to upload a sketch to the Uno I get an error.

Looking for upload port...
Error: Please specify `upload_port` for environment or use global `--upload-port` option.
For some development platforms it can be a USB flash drive (i.e. /media/<user>/<device name>)
*** [upload] Explicit exit, status 1
 [ERROR] Took 2.58 seconds

It seems like I need to specify an --upload-port? I tried the following - with the device instance path - with no joy:

platformio run --upload-port BTHENUM{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}_LOCALMFG&0002\7&60FF658&0&98D332208C39_C00000000

Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you!

Not surprisingly, this problem has already been solved. A small hardware modification is required to reset the UNO.

More information can be found here.