Problem starting debug session on a SparkFun ESP32-S2 Thing Plus

Hello Community,

I have a SparkFun ESP32-S2 Thing Plus which I want to use for software debugging with VSCode and PlatformIO. I have followed a couple of tutorials to get it ready for debugging. Compiling, uploading, and running the software has succeeded but starting the debugger has failed so far.

Reading the output (s. yellow frame) it seems obvious to me that the connection process must fail because after finding CPU0 it tries to find a CPU1 which does not exist within an ESP32-S2. Perhaps configuration data of the predecessor ESP32 was used for the JTAG tools as that older device has two CPUs. As my knowledge concerning the toolchain is rather weak I don’t know where to get suitable configuration data and where in the toolchain it has to be applied. Has anyone succeeded in debugging an ESP32-S2 with the official configuration data or can anyone give advice concerning my problem? Thanks in advance.

platform = espressif32
board = sparkfun_esp32s2_thing_plus
board_build.mcu = esp32s2
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = esptool
debug_tool = esp-prog
debug_speed = 1000