Problem creating custom framework

Hi there!

I have a problem with a custom board that I develop with. I can work with Arduino IDE with no problem. This board have its own libraries, variants and cores.

I have created a custom platform on Atom and a custom board inside packages/framework-arduinoavr (its own core and its own variant) and it only works when I install custom libraries on the project lib folder.

What I want is to create another package framework (like framework-arduinoavr) but with my own boards (libraries, cores and variants). So when this is updated it will not affect mine. I have tried, but when I try to and compile i get the no Arduino.h found.

What I found on the documentation is information about creating boards or platforms, but no custom packages or frameworks.

My project .ini is:
board = customboard
framework = arduino


I have advanced, now I have an almost functional own framework. I have edited my builder python file. I think i have .json files correctly configured. If I only use the custom board core on my skectch it compiles and uploads to my custom board and it works. But when I try to use one of my framework own libraries they are not found.

If I write
print env[“LIBSOURCE_DIRS”]
on my builder python file, one of the elements is the directory with my framework own libraries.

I do not know what am I missing…


Where are located custom libraries? Please specify here FULL PATH on a disk.

Thanks! Problem solved. There was a mispelling and an incompatibilty between the libraries and the board. So the path was Ok but the libraries were not imported. Changing compatibility mode to 0 solved the problem now I am trying to find the mispell.