PlatformIO vs STM32CubeIDE

I’m evaluating which IDE will be more fitting for my future projects with STM32s. I have had a great experience with PlatformIO and I’m glad that it’s such an open, easy to use solution with an active community.


That goes for Arduinos, ESP32s and all of their friends, not for STM32s (ime). My question is if PlatformIO can be as powerful as the STM32CubeIDE in developing on ST’s controllers. Working with the CubeIDE gives me all options i could ever need, but it is clumsy, sometimes poorly documented and its HAL is awkwardly fused with ST’s code generation in such a way that i don’t really know what I’m doing.

Let’s say i want to implement an STM32 application with interrupts, callbacks, DMA, specific peripherals and maybe even an RTOS or even AI. Can PlatformIO offer me some solutions? If yes, I’ll gladly leave the CubeIDE behind forever.

Thank you for any answers.

I’ve been using PIO for STM32 for many years (mostly hobby projects by now) and couldn’t be happier. STM32Cube brings in everything but the kitchen sink, but it’s a trade-off. I’m now writing everything from scratch (and yes, that includes interrupts, DMA, I2S, Ethernet, LCD, USB, and more) because I can’t live with the cube’s way of generating (and re-generating) impenetrable amounts of superfluous source code. You’re unlikely to want to follow this path, but …