Platformio/tool-cppcheck [Incompatible 1.270.0]

When updating pio I get the following:
PS C:PlatformIO\Projects> pio update

Updating platformio/contrib-piohome 3.4.1 @ ~3.4.1 [Up-to-date]
Updating platformio/tool-scons 4.40300.1 @ ~4.40300.0 [Up-to-date]
Updating platformio/tool-cppcheck 1.260.0 @ ~1.260.0 [Incompatible 1.270.0]

What does the ‘[Incompatible 1.270.0]’ in this context mean and how can I update the ‘tool-cppcheck’? PIO update does not update automatically, apparently.

I have the same message.
Maybe this version fixes some false positives that I have.

Thanks for the response!
Have you been able to install version 1.270.0?

For now I will wait to see if someone from PlatformIO says something.

pio update command will be deprecated in PlatformIO Core 6.0 and will do nothing. The cppcheck 1.270.0 is compatible with PlatformIO Core 6.0 (has not been yet released). However, you can try it via pio upgrade --dev.

See release notes Release Notes — PlatformIO latest documentation