PlatformIO taskbar suddenly not showing


I have been using PlatformIO for a long time and suddenly this afternoon, the task bar with the PlatformIO icons (build, flash, monitor, etc) is not opening. Instead its showing the normal VS code taskbar. I have tried uninstalling everything, VScode, PIO, all C extensions, all extensions in fact and also deleting the .platformio folder under users.

Any help on whats caused this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Same thing happening to me all of a sudden. No reason. I’ve uninstalled VS Code and PlatformIO twice. Taskbar/Toolbar is still missing the compile, upload… icons.

You can still use keyboard shortcut commands!!!:
Compile —> Ctrl - Alt - C
Upload —> Ctrl - Alt - U

VERY annoying. Great software though.


I edited my post above. They keyboard commands didn’t show the first time I posted because I used “<>” around the key names. I’m just posting again for those that may have missed what the keys were. Not being able to compile and upload is a show stopper. Thus this seconds post for those that missed it:

You can still use keyboard shortcut commands!!!:
Compile —> Ctrl - Alt - C
Upload —> Ctrl - Alt - U

Ah ha!!!

My other development platform just lost the PlatformIO compile, upload, … icons as well. Visual Studio Code updated automatically to version: May 2023 (version 1.79)

That must be what broke PlatformIO’s toolbar Icons. Use those key shortcuts for now. I haven’t tried uninstalling VSC update May 2023 (version 1.79).

I am also having this problem, i.e. the blue toolbar at the bottom is gone. Not sure if it is related, but I am also getting errors that the pty host is unresponsive.

If I open my user settings.json in APPDATA, I see the platform-ide.toolbar definitions that were working previously. Also, the dropdown at the top has the Build, Upload, etc. commands

Is there a fix or workaround for this?

The problem is from VSCode 1.79. I installed 1.78 and the problem is fixed.

CC @ivankravets, unusual concentration of problem posts regarding VSCode 1.79.

Same topics:

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Sorry for the issue. Please update the PlatformIO IDE extension for VSCode to 3.2.0:

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