Do you mean when you start to type a board name in that field that the PIO Home screen blanks (or that could be another bug I just found as I’m running a later beta version)? Or is it you’re pressing enter after finding a match, thus in effect pressing the ‘finish’ button?
What exactly do you mean by ‘main page’?
Or are you experiencing the issue where you can’t enter text, which is due to a bug in VSCode that hasn’t been fixed yet. The workaround being to double-click on the PIO Home tab so it regains keyboard focus.
Sorry, my English is not good:joy:. “main page” is the Home page of PlatformIO. When I enter text in the board selection box, I will jump to the PlatformIO Home page.
I’m running the beta version so my behaviour is different. Am I right in assuming that in the video in this issue, that when it goes blank for me, you get the main PIO home screen again?