PlatformIO refuses to install

When installing PlatformIO in VSCode I get the following results:

Installing PlatformIO IDE…
It may take a few minutes depending on your connection speed
Please do not close this window and do not open other folders until this process is completed.

Debugging information is available via VSCode > Help > Toggle Developer Tools > Console.
Failed to install PlatformIO IDE.

Then I get the following 2 errors:

Error: error: subprocess-exited-with-error Building wheel for platformio (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully. exit code: 1 [593 lines of output] running bdist_wheel running build running build_py creating build creating build\lib creating build\lib\platformio copying platformio\ →
build\lib\platformio copying platformio\ →
build\lib\platformio copying platformio\ →
build\lib\platformio copying platformio\ →
build\lib\platformio copying platformio\ →
build\lib\platformio copying platformio\ →
build\lib\platformio copying platformio\ →
build\lib\platformio copying plat…

Error: Could not start PIO Home server: Timeout error at Timeout._onTimeout (c:\Users\Leisa’s Craft Room.vscode\extensions\platformio.platformio-ide-3.3.3-win32-x64\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\dist\index.js:1:10800) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17) at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7)…

I followed a thread that discussed issues installing V3.3.3 and lengthened file names. I have deleted .platformio directory between every install. I have tried going back multiple versions. I have installed python separately. Nothing I have tried changes the installation result. I have upgraded my Ender 3 Pro with multiple items and need to rebuild the firmware as the firmware files I am finding online do not meet my needs. My printer is currently down and I could really use some help figuring out this installation issue.

I am running Windows 11 Home

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Delete C:\Users\<user>\.platformio again. Uninstall the PlatformIO VSCode extension. Then install the PIO core per

Does it work? If you then install the PlatformIO VSCode extension, does it work?

Thank you so very much I had tried for several days without success. Your information had me running in just a few minutes. I am excited to get started on improving my printer even more.

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I’ve just lost 3 hours trying to install platformio on vscode on mac.
The script worked like a charm.
You should point to it from the VSCode plugin installation.