PlatformIO packages download slowly

Test this with e.g.

I’m getting 20-50 kByte/s.


Downloading toolchains of several hundred megabytes takes forever.


Speedtest shows ~10 MByte/s downlink speed, so it shouldn’t be on my end.


It might be servers or infrastractures are down in the CDN due to the war? CC @ivankravets

Yes, looks like the problem with our mirror in Ukraine. We’ve just disabled it.

Does it work now?

P.S: We will add new mirrors tomorrow for better stability.

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Yes, the download was almost instant with 2MByte/s.

What is your speed for now?


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Top! :rocket: There is no bandwidth limit on our side.

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Slow again

Do you still experience this issue? I can’t reproduce it.

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It’s ok now. Maybe contabo random issues.

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