PlatformIO & Microchip SAMR34 LoRa

Hello, I hope I´m on the right topic.

I´m working with the BastWan board that has a RAK4260, based on the SAMR34. While I do have an ATMEL ICE programmer and could program the SAMR34 correctly in PlatformIO, but I would like to keep the USB bootloader installed and program the SAMR34 via Bossac.
When I using the ElectronicCats BastWAN in the Arduino IDE, I noticed that the Arduino IDE is using Bossac to program the SAMR34.

Documents\ArduinoData\packages\electroniccats\tools\bossac\1.0.0-electroniccats-1/bossac.exe -i -d --port=COM21 -U true -i -e -w -v

When I compiled the same code in PlatformIO and manually used Bossac to program the SAMR34 the code didn´t correctly run. Is my code compile differently in Arduino IDE than in PlatformIO?

Site to find the USB bootloader

void setup() {


void loop() {