PlatformIO hangs trying to create New Project or Import or Examples

Hi, I have just got a new machine, it is running Win10, has Fast internet. I have installed the latest VScode, and from the Extension Store in it, I have installed PlatformIO, Which opens Home just fine.
Though when I try to make a Project with DOIT DEVKIT on ESP-IDF as framework, It keeps going on and on. I was monitoring network usage and it does not reflects much activity.

Restart VSCode, reopen the PlatformIO Core CLI and manually type

mkdir espidf_example
cd espidf_example
pio init -b esp32dev -O "framework=espidf"

what does it show?

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Thanks for replying Max,
This happens when I send hit on the command

After that, I attempt starting a new Project again, on DOit_DEvkit hardware, with ESP-IDF framework, this happens.
It says
“PIO Core Call Error: “The following files/directories have been created in C:\Users\admin\Documents\PlatformIO\Projects\Test Blinker IDF\r\ninclude - Put project header files here\r\nlib - Put project specific (private) libraries here\r\nsrc - Put project source files here\r\nplatformio.ini - Project Configuration File\r\nResolving esp32doit-devkit-v1 dependencies…\r\nAlready up-to-date.\r\nUpdating metadata for the vscode IDE…\r\n\n\nError: Processing esp32doit-devkit-v1 (platform: espressif32; board: esp32doit-devkit-v1; framework: espidf)\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nVerbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option\r\nCONFIGURATION:\r\nPLATFORM: Espressif 32 (6.2.0) > DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1\r\nHARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash\r\nDEBUG: Current (cmsis-dap) External (cmsis-dap, esp-bridge, esp-prog, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa)\r\nPACKAGES: \r\n - framework-espidf @ 3.50001.0 (5.0.1) \r\n - tool-cmake @ 3.16.4 \r\n - tool-esptoolpy @ 1.40501.0 (4.5.1) \r\n - tool-idf @ 1.0.1 \r\n - tool-mconf @ 1.4060000.20190628 (406.0.0) \r\n - tool-ninja @ 1.9.0 \r\n - toolchain-esp32ulp @ 1.23500.220830 (2.35.0) \r\n - toolchain-xtensa-esp32 @ 11.2.0+2022r1\r\nError: Detected a whitespace character in project paths.\r\n========================== [FAILED] Took 2.17 seconds ==========================””

Great, I decided to restart the VSCOde and whole system, and viola, That did the trick!

Thanks Max!

  • Tanmay M.

i have the same error like this picture, when i starting a new project.
how did u do?