PlatformIO Extension Not Available in VSCode

Hi, i got the problems when trying to install platformio after updating Vscodium.
When searching the extension from vscodium it didn’t show up.
I’ve been trying using vsdx installer, but still unable to install platformio.

Well, that’s just… annoying. I can reproduce this on my system with VSCodium portable v1.46.1, so it’s not just you. The PlatformIO extension is still up on the Marketplace, as I was able to see v1.10 in VSCode…


… so it seems to be a VSCodium issue. Maybe download the extension vsix file directly from the marketplace

… and installing it via the 'Install from VSIX option.

Thanks for your reply, unfortunately by using install from VSIX method, I’m still unable to install it.

Actually i’m already able fix this problems. It wouldn’t appear at extension, because since version 1.44. VSCodiumm no longer use microsoft extension store. Because some licence issue.

It now use Open-Vsx extension store, and PlatformIO currently not yet added to those store, hopefully the developers will add to there soon.
If someone able to make pull request please kindly do that.

So, to fix this I’m just change the Marketplace Provider from Open-Vsx to Microsoft, as mentioned here : vscodium/ at master · VSCodium/vscodium · GitHub
You can find product.json files at : %homepath%\AppData\Local\Programs\VSCodium\resources\app for user installed version, or at
%PROGRAMFILES%\VSCodium\resources\app for system installed versions

Ouch… that may not be possible. PlatformIO depends on the Microsoft C++ extension, which doesn’t look like it will install on VSCodium as is… (meaning reversion to the Microsoft Marketplace is needed) not even the ~20MB ‘offline’ package from Releases · microsoft/vscode-cpptools · GitHub. If that installed, the PlatformIO VSIX would probably have installed fine… but as you say, it doesn’t work… just sits there for a minute, and then does nothing. :frowning:

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