Platformio don't create a build

When I build firmware with UniversaltelegramBot.h libraries Platformio freeze in this screen and firmware don’t build.

My platformio.ini is:

If Im try to build with Ardino IDE this IDE build correctly.

Do you have any antivirus software activate?

Also you might want to temporarily disable all other extensions except PlatformIO, C/C++ and python. There’s a discord extension in the taskbar which attempts a reconnect?

I have try with no antivirus and with all extension disable, but the problem is not resolve.

Try and delete the folder C:\Users\<user>\.platformio\packages\toolchain-xtensa and retry, to redownload that compiler on the next compilation run. Also try the “Clean all” task before recompiling. If it still hangs, maybe it just takes some really long time for some reason? How long did you wait in the first place?