We’re happy to announce the release of PlatformIO Core 3.5.2, a new bugfix and tooling update for PlatformIO Core 3.5.
What is new
PlatformIO Home - interact with PlatformIO ecosystem using modern and cross-platform GUI:
- Multiple themes (Dark & Light)
- Ability to specify a name for new project
- Control PIO Unified Debugger and its firmware loading mode using debug_load_mode option
- Added aliases (off, light, strict) for LDF Compatibility Mode
- Search for a library using PIO Library Registry ID
(e.g.pio lib search id:13
) - Show device system information (MCU, Frequency, RAM, Flash, Debugging tools) in a build log
- Show all available upload protocols before firmware uploading in a build log
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements.
See PlatformIO 3.5.2 Release Notes for details.
PlatformIO IDE:
- Atom: Menu: PlatformIO > Upgrade PlatformIO Core
- VSCode:ctrl+alt+t
, Run Other Tasks > Upgrade PlatformIO Core -
PlatformIO Core: Please run
pio upgrade