PlatformIO Core 3.5.1

We’re happy to announce the release of PlatformIO Core 3.5.1, a new bugfix and tooling update for PlatformIO Core 3.5. In this update:

  • New test_speed option to control a communication baudrate/speed between PIO Unit Testing engine and a target device (issue #1273)
  • Show full library version in “Library Dependency Graph” including VCS information (issue #1274)
  • Configure a custom firmware/program name in build directory (example)
  • Renamed envs_dir option to build_dir in Project Configuration File “platformio.ini”
  • Refactored code without “arrow” dependency (resolve issue with “ImportError: No module named backports.functools_lru_cache”)
  • Improved support of PIO Unified Debugger for Eclipse Oxygen
  • Improved a work in off-line mode
  • Fixed project generator for CLion and Qt Creator IDE (issue #1299)
  • Fixed PIO Unified Debugger for mbed framework
  • Fixed library updates when a version is declared in VCS format (not SemVer)
  • Other bug fixes and performance improvements.

See PlatformIO 3.5.1 Release Notes for details.


  • PlatformIO IDE:
    - Atom: Menu: PlatformIO > Upgrade PlatformIO Core
    - VSCode: ctrl+alt+t, Run Other Tasks > Upgrade PlatformIO Core
  • PlatformIO Core: Please run pio upgrade command.


The PlatformIO Plus Team

1 Like

Indenting/code formating is broken in this release for vs-code?

We are not responsible for code-formating in VSCode. It seems that you have a problem with VSCode’s C/C++ extension. Do you use the latest version of VSCode and have updated extensions?

Ok, the problem was another VS code plugin. thanks :slight_smile:

We’re finding that we get errors with our custom platform/board with 3.5.1 that do not occur with 3.5.0. ‘pio run’ will terminate with a Permission Denied error for /<board_name>. This is on Ubuntu 16.04.

Please provide your custom board manifest

Sorry I can’t upload a json (or any text files), so having to paste it instead:

  "build": {
    "core": "nRF5",
    "cpu": "cortex-m4",
    "extra_flags": "-DARDUINO_NRF52_DK",
    "f_cpu": "64000000L",
    "mcu": "nrf52832",
    "ldscript": "nrf52_xxaa.ld",
    "variant": "nRF52DK"
  "connectivity": [
  "debug": {
    "tools": {
      "jlink": {
        "server": {
          "test": "hello",
          "package": "tool-openocd",
          "executable": "bin/openocd",
          "arguments": [
            "-f", "scripts/interface/jlink.cfg",
            "-c", "transport select swd",
            "-f", "scripts/target/nrf52_arduino.cfg"
        "onboard": true
  "frameworks": [
  "name": "Proxxi Board",
  "upload": {
    "maximum_ram_size": 65536,
    "maximum_size": 524288,
    "protocol": "nrfjprog"
  "url": "",
  "vendor": "Nordic"

We released a new version of dev/platform yesterday. Please pio update. Do you still experience this issue?

It still fails. I’ve done a clean install of the latest Platform IO, and tried pio update too, just in case.

Digging a little more, it’s not the /<board_name>, but /<virtual_environment_name> that it’s trying to access - just my board and environment had the same name.


platform = proxxi
board = proxxi_board
framework = nordic-sdk


$ pio run --verbose
[Sat Feb  3 17:47:21 2018] Processing proxxiband (platform: proxxi; board: proxxi_board; framework: nordic-sdk)
Collected 1 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
Library Dependency Graph ( )
|-- <fft> (/vagrant/proxxiband-fw-nrf52/lib/fft)
*** [/proxxiband] /proxxiband: Permission denied
========================== [ERROR] Took 0.52 seconds ==========================

Please update your custom dev/platform according to GitHub - platformio/platform-nordicnrf52: Nordic nRF52: development platform for PlatformIO

P.S: You can make PR with your board to our official repo and we will merge.