Platformio 8051 --model-medium linker err

hello, everyone
I want compile 8051 MCU with medium model in platformio,but link fail.please help me and think very much.

my platfromio.ini is list as follow:

platform = intel_mcs51
board = ch552
build_flags =

link errors is list as follow:

Linking .pio\build\ch552\firmware.hex
?ASlink-Warning-Conflicting sdcc options:
   "-mmcs51 --model-medium" in module "main" and
   "-mmcs51 --model-small" in module "_divulong".
?ASlink-Warning-Conflicting sdcc options:
   "-mmcs51 --model-medium" in module "main" and
   "-mmcs51 --model-small" in module "_moduint".
?ASlink-Warning-Conflicting sdcc options:
   "-mmcs51 --model-medium" in module "main" and
   "-mmcs51 --model-small" in module "_divuint".
?ASlink-Warning-Conflicting sdcc options:
   "-mmcs51 --model-medium" in module "main" and
   "-mmcs51 --model-small" in module "_gptrget".
?ASlink-Warning-Conflicting sdcc options:
   "-mmcs51 --model-medium" in module "main" and
   "-mmcs51 --model-small" in module "_modsint".
?ASlink-Warning-Conflicting sdcc options:
   "-mmcs51 --model-medium" in module "main" and
   "-mmcs51 --model-small" in module "_divsint".
?ASlink-Warning-Conflicting sdcc options:
   "-mmcs51 --model-medium" in module "main" and
   "-mmcs51 --model-small" in module "_startup".
*** [.pio\build\ch552\firmware.hex] Error 1

it seems that linker use the lib file in .platformio\packages\toolchain-sdcc\lib\small not the link file in .platformio\packages\toolchain-sdcc\lib\medium,how can i correct it?

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I don’t see that board in platform-intel_mcs51/boards at develop · platformio/platform-intel_mcs51 · GitHub. Did you add this yourself?

Yes, I add this myself. The following is the .json file:

  "build": {
    "f_cpu": "24000000",
    "size_iram": 256,
    "size_xram": 1024,
    "size_code": 14336,
    "size_heap": 128,
    "mcu": "ch552t",
    "cpu": "mcs51"
  "frameworks": [],
  "upload": {
    "maximum_ram_size": 1280,
    "maximum_size": 14336,
    "protocol": "stcgal",
    "stcgal_protocol": "stc15",
    "protocols": [
  "name": "Generic CH552",
  "url": "",
  "vendor": "WCH"

ch552 is a cheap 8051 MCU made in China with USB support.

The linker flags need to include --model-medium, too, otherwise it assumes small by default.

Please add the line

extra_scripts =

to your platformio.ini and, in the project folder at the same level of the platformio.ini, the file with the content


Think you very much!
it sovle my problems.
Sincere wishes from faraway China, Happy New Year!

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It should be -LC:/Users/caoyf/.platformio/packages/toolchain-sdcc/lib/medium but not --L to link lib