Platform Specific Library Dependencies Installed To Wrong Folder?

In my PlatformIO project I have a custom library defined. It supports both native and espressif32 platforms. It has different dependencies based on which platform it is being compile to. These are defined like in the custom library’s library.json as follows:

"dependencies": [
    "platforms": "native",
    "name": "NimBLE-Arduino",
    "version": ""
    "platforms": "native",
    "name": "FreeRTOS",
    "version": ""
    "platforms": "espressif32",
    "frameworks": "arduino",
    "name": "NimBLE-Arduino",
    "version": ""
"build": {
  "libLDFMode": "chain+",
  "libCompatMode": "strict"

The pertinent bits of the platformio.ini for my project are:

lib_ldf_mode = chain+
lib_compat_mode = strict
platform = espressif32
framework = arduino
lib_deps = lib/SS2K
platform = native
lib_deps = lib/SS2K
lib_ldf_mode = chain+
lib_compat_mode = strict

When I run platformio lib install if installs the FreeRTOS library to both .pio/libdeps/espressif32/FreeRTOS and to pio/libdeps/native/FreeRTOS. This seems incorrect and platformio should only be installing this library to pio/libdeps/native/FreeRTOS.

Does this occur with the latest core version? (CLI plus pio upgrade --dev plus deletion of the previous library installation, then retry).