I am working under Windows 10. I had Platform.IO installed under Atom and used it successfully to compile/upload a Tasmota project following a YouTube guide. This worked OK. Now I am trying to do the same using VSCode since it was recommended by somebody on the net. I uninstalled Atom and deleted .atom folders where suggested.
I installed VSCode and added the Platform.IO package. The result is that when I click on the Home icon in the toolbar I get a blue progress animation resulting in the end in a warning: “Unable to open ‘PIO Home’: An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details…”
I also get another error "PlatformIO: IntelliSense Index failed: Error: Could not install ‘espressif8266’ with version requirements ‘*’ for your system ‘windows_amd64’.
Based on suggestions in other topics I did the following in the Terminal:
“pio home --port 8888” resulting in:
“CorePackageManager: Installing contrib-pysite @ >=0.2.0,<2
Downloading [------------------------------------] 0%
Warning! Package Mirror: [Errno 0] Error
Looking for another mirror…
Unpacking [#################-------------------] 48% 00:00:10
Warning! Package Mirror: [Errno 0] Error
Looking for another mirror…
Error: Could not install ‘contrib-pysite’ with version requirements ‘>=0.2.0,<2’ for your system ‘windows_amd64’.”
Command “Python --version” results in just
“Python 2.7.14”
When I open the platformio.ini file and then click on the build icon in the toolbar I get the following output in the terminal window:
Executing task: platformio.exe run <
[04/02/18 16:54:35] Processing sonoff (platform: espressif8266; board: esp01_1m; framework: arduino)
PlatformManager: Installing espressif8266
Downloading [####################################] 100%
Unpacking [####################################] 100%
Warning! Package Mirror: [Error 5] Access is denied
Looking for another mirror…
Unpacking [###############################-----] 88%
Warning! Package Mirror: [Errno 0] Error
Looking for another mirror…
Error: Could not install ‘espressif8266’ with version requirements ‘*’ for your system ‘windows_amd64’.
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1
Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
Anybody has suggestions? (apart from returning to Atom…)
Thx wietse
Update…I went back to Atom and the same issues are now appearing also there. Apparently it is something related to the package and independent from the IDE used.
Update 2: Disabled Cybereason Ransomfree, which after an update ran in full mode.