Platform (ESP32) update is failing - not just for me


the recent platform update for Espressif’s ESP32 is failing with Core 5.0.3a1 - others seem to have similar problems, given the increasing number of issues created on Github for it.

I tried to solve it by

platform =

in platformio.ini, but I seem to have lost the esp-prog fix the previous version had, as that version seems not to be available anymore:

platform =

Could you have a look, please?

Ciao, Michael

More specifically what is that? I have no idea what to have a look at from the text. Any error message?

Exactly what we discussed last week to get the debugging (with esp-prog) to work.

But never mind - whyever, the debugging is working again after a restart of VSCode. I will swear any oath I did not touch anything in the meantime.