It would be helpful to know which Python the VSCode PIO uses when installed or updated; or to get some input on what I might have done wrong.
Problem #1: After updating PIO to the current version, in any operation related to installing a platform (specifically, AtmelAVR 5.0.0, Espressif32) or compiling, PIO started to throw the following warning, which wasn’t there before:
/Users/michael/.platformio/penv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ NotOpenSSLWarning: urllib3 v2 only supports OpenSSL 1.1.1+, currently the ‘ssl’ module is compiled with ‘LibreSSL 2.8.3’. See: urllib3>=2.0 does not work with system Python on macOS · Issue #3020 · urllib3/urllib3 · GitHub
Problem #2: when changing build flags my platformio.ini, PIO processed the file literally after every letter, and the editor window lost focus; just about making changes impossible.
Apparently, PIO was using a Python 3.8 that is part of the macOS Command Line Tools. And that caused Problem #1. I have no idea where Problem #2 came from.
In order to fix this:
- quit VSCode
- uninstall CLT
- launch VSCode, uninstall PIO extension and quit VSCode
- delete .platformio folder in my home directory
- launch VSCode and reinstall PIO
- PIO complains about not finding Python and gives some options
- selecting Python3 from the Anaconda install did not work
- finally, I select the “portable Python 3” option
- finally, re-install CLT so that GIT etc. works
Development system:
Intel-based iMac Pro
Mac OS Sonoma: 14.2.1 (Xcode/CLT updated when prompted)
VSCode: 1.85.1
Platformio IDE: v3.3.2
Platform: Atmel AVR 5.0.0