PIO Unified Debugger

Amazing response time :slight_smile:
Works perfect now…

Sorry I poorly explained that.
I meant the “user-button” would be only a substitution for one command in the gdb-console.

For example:
A user would like to save breakpoints:

debug_extra_cmds = define user-command
                        save breakpoints to_some_place.txt

If the user hit the button the “user-command” is executed (brakepoints are saved).

PlatformIO is great and it keeps getting better. I will buy the Plus version to support this project and I hope that you may consider adding debugging support for JTAG. Specifically I am using Segger JLink on ESP32 and ESP8266.

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Thanks a lot! That is a beginning of a new era for PlatformIO. Stay tuned with us on Twitter for the further news.

Can you now debug ESP32 using J-Link? Which debugger/IDE do you use?

Yes, I use VisualGDB to debug ESP chips with J-Link and Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H. These examples show the Olimex but the Segger works as well. I have both so I can go either way.
This is an example from GoJimmyPi on using the Segger

Hi @theflyingzephyr! Have you tried GDBStub debugging over UART with ESP8266?

I wanted to check if this is planned to be released soon as a stable version, or if I need to start using the dev version of PlatformIO IDE in order to use this feature in the near future.

The next PIO IDE 2.0.0.beta.3 is planned for release tomorrow. It will support PIO Unified Debug from a box.

Awesome, I have been subscribing to Plus for several months, but finally on a project that I can use it on. Debugging would be a big bonus.


Could you try it now? Would be thankful for a feedback!

See the first post at the top and “How to try the PIO Unified Debugger?” section for the further instructions.

@ivankravets Congratulations for this nice debugging tool! I’ve just tested it against the LaunchPad TM4C123.

Some questions:

  • How to define a breakpoint? The only way I’ve found was to call the contextual menu.
  • How to define a conditional breakpoint? This is a critical feature when debugging large projects.
  • How to store the breakpoints for later reuse?

Thank you!

Thank you! :blush:

See Redirecting...

You can define initial breakpoints per specific project environments. Also, you can have more than 1 build environment with different debugging settings.

Please see examples here GDB Conditional Breakpoints - C & C++ Programming Blog | Faye Williams | Hampshire UK

You have 2 options:

  • Define conditional breakpoints in platformio.ini. They will be loaded when a debugging session starts.
  • “Menu: PlatformIO > Debug > Toggle Debugger Console” and add custom breakpoints
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Thank you for the answers. My hope is both procedures would be included in PlatformIO GUI.

We have a feature request for that Remember breakpoints per project ¡ Issue #1 ¡ platformio/platformio-atom-ide-debugger ¡ GitHub

Nevertheless, PIO Unified Debugger is universal, it isn’t linked with PIO IDE for Atom and could be integrated with other IDEs, including Eclipse, VSCode, or even VIM/Emacs, etc. We will update our docs later and explain how to do that.

Also, with PIO IDE for Atom, you can debug simultaneously more than 1 target. It could be achieved via different [env:***] in platformio.ini. Here is the question: from the which instance need to remember the last breakpoints?

Also, with PIO IDE for Atom, you can debug simultaneously more than 1 target. It could be achieved via different [env:***] in platformio.ini. Here is the question: from the which instance need to remember the last breakpoints?

Not easy to answer.

Remembering the last breakpoints should be an option.

Thanks, we will implement this feature as soon as possible.

Ardunio SAMD21G18 with Atmel ICE as debugger ?

PlatformIO IDE Debugger for Atom v1.2.0 is out! Please update it, now we remember all breakpoints per project.

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Yes I use platform io to program. Adafruit M0

Atmel ICE

Here is a link to the Debugger: