So I have changed the folder names to lowercase however when using --force-remote
, I still receive the following error:
Failed to extract configuration for DMCB_60033. It might not be supported in the this Mbed release
However, Linux’s case sensitivity gave me an idea. Previously, for pio remote test
I was using lib_extra_dirs
instead of lib_deps
for accessing my local libraries because for lib_deps
I was always getting the following error:
Building & Uploading...
Library Manager: Installing file://Lib/Components/Hwal
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Lib/Components/Hwal'
I ensured that “lib” is lowercase and the path ends with a /
symbol, and that seems to fix lib_deps
. Using lib_deps
instead of lib_extra_dirs
, pio remote test
without the --force-remote
option finally resulted in the proper size binary being programmed on the board through the remote agent from windows client.
Currently, I can start remote tests from a client running on my local windows, but when trying to start it from a CI pipeline running Linux I am getting the same error, even though the path is fixed:
Building & Uploading...
Library Manager: Installing file://lib/Components/Hwal/
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'lib/Components/Hwal/'
What is weird is that boards/TARGET_DMCB_60033/
is found.
I’ve tried to run it on a local Linux docker to simulate the same scenario as in the pipeline and there the project runs without a problem.
For now, I was able to solve this issue by accessing my local libraries through lib_extra_dirs
when running in the CI pipeline.
Here is my platformio.ini file:
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
# Custom section for value interpolation
; ## Windows Port ##############################################################
test_port = COM4
; ## Linux Port ################################################################
test_port = /dev/ttyUSB0
; ## Off Target ################################################################
; Linux/Windows host specific configuration values(when running unit tests on the
; host/off-target)
; .. Device Config .........................................................
platform = native
; .. Build Config ..........................................................
build_flags = -pthread
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_deps = symlink://boards/TARGET_DMCB_60033/PINOUT_DMCB_60033/
; ## On Target #################################################################
; target specific configuration values(when running unit tests on-target)
; .. Device Config .........................................................
platform = ststm32@17.0.0
board = DMCB_60033
board_build.mbed.ldscript = $PROJECT_DIR/boards/TARGET_DMCB_60033/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/stm32f446xe.ld
framework = mbed
; .. Build Config ..........................................................
build_unflags = -std=gnu++98
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_deps = symlink://boards/TARGET_DMCB_60033/
; .. Test Config ...........................................................
test_framework = custom
test_speed = 1200000
; .. Additional scripts.....................................................
extra_scripts = pre:utilities/build_env_extra_scripts/
; ## Common ####################################################################
; Common configuration values between both targets
; .. Build Config ..........................................................
build_flags = -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_deps = symlink://lib/Components/Hwal/
; .. Static Analysis .......................................................
check_tool = clangtidy
check_flags = clangtidy: --checks=*,-llvmlibc-callee-namespace,-llvmlibc-implementation-in-namespace,-bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters,-readability-redundant-access-specifiers,-modernize-use-trailing-return-type,-llvm-header-guard,-altera-id-dependent-backward-branch,-altera-unroll-loops,-llvmlibc-restrict-system-libc-headers,-llvm-include-order,-cppcoreguidelines-init-variables,-cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init,-hicpp-member-init,-cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables,-misc-const-correctness,-google-readability-namespace-comments,-llvm-namespace-comment
; ## Test ######################################################################
; Exclude main.cpp for testing purposes but first include everything
; .. Build Config ..........................................................
build_src_filter = +<**/*>
build_flags = -lgcov
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_deps = throwtheswitch/Unity@^2.5.2
; .. Test Config ...........................................................
test_build_src = true
; .. Additional scripts.....................................................
extra_scripts = pre:utilities/build_env_extra_scripts/
# Override default configuration
src_dir = apps/
build_cache_dir = .pio/cache # among others enables caching of mbed-os,
# which accelerates the build process
# significantly
# Configuration Environments
; ## Common ####################################################################
; Common configurations for all environments
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_ldf_mode = chain
; .. Static Analysis .......................................................
check_tool = ${common.check_tool}
check_flags = ${common.check_flags}
; ## Off-target on Linux/Windows host ##########################################
; Configuration environment for running production code off-target on a linux/
; windows host
; .. Device Config .........................................................
platform = ${off_target.platform}
; .. Build Config ..........................................................
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
; ## On-target #################################################################
; Configuration environment for running production code on-target from a
; windows/linux pio remote client
; .. Device Config .........................................................
platform = ${on_target.platform}
board = ${on_target.board}
board_build.mbed.ldscript = ${on_target.board_build.mbed.ldscript}
framework = ${on_target.framework}
; .. Build Config ..........................................................
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
build_unflags = ${on_target.build_unflags}
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
; .. Additional scripts.....................................................
extra_scripts = ${on_target.extra_scripts}
; ## Off-target test on Linux/Windows host #####################################
; Extended configuration environment for off-target unit tests on a linux/
; windows host
extends = env:off_target
; .. Build Config ..........................................................
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
build_src_filter = ${test.build_src_filter}
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
; .. Test Config ...........................................................
test_build_src = ${test.test_build_src}
; .. Additional scripts ....................................................
extra_scripts = ${test.extra_scripts}
; .. Debug settings ........................................................
; when trying to debug a unit test we have to specify that specific unit test
; here
; debug_test = src/Hid/test_Hid
; ## Intermediate On-target test environment ###################################
; Do not use standalone, as it does not include pio remote client specific configurations.
; Should only be used through on_target_test_windows, on_target_test_linux or
; on_target_test_linux_ci environments.
extends = env:on_target
; .. Build Config ..........................................................
build_src_filter = ${test.build_src_filter}
; the fakeit library uses exceptions and dynamic_cast, therefore only for
; on-target unit testing, we enable these features in the compiler
build_flags = -fexceptions
build_unflags = -fno-rtti
; .. Library Dependencies...................................................
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
; .. Test Config ...........................................................
test_framework = ${on_target.test_framework}
test_speed = ${on_target.test_speed}
test_build_src = ${test.test_build_src}
; .. Additional scripts.....................................................
extra_scripts = ${on_target.extra_scripts}
; .. Debug settings ........................................................
; when trying to debug a unit test we have to specify that specific unit test
; here
; debug_test = UnitTests/lib/Compositions/Actors/Hid/test_Hid
; ## On-target test environment for local windows pio remote client ############
extends = env:on_target_test, windows_port
; ## On-target test environment for local linux pio remote client ##############
extends = env:on_target_test, linux_port
; ## On-target test environment for CI pipeline linux pio remote client ########
; using lib_extra_dirs instead of lib_deps for local libraries, because using lib_deps
; results in "[Errno 2] No such file or directory:" for all local libraries.
; (When run from linux docker container the tests execute properly using
; on_target_test_linux)
extends = env:on_target_test, linux_port
lib_deps = ${test.lib_deps}
lib_extra_dirs = lib/Components/
For remote testing from local windows or local linux docker env:on_target_test_linux
works however for the CI pipeline I have to use on_target_test_linux_ci
. So it seems using Windows client lib_extra_dirs
resulted in an error, but the CI pipeline running Linux only works using lib_extra_dirs
I would prefer using lib_deps
for all environments in the future, could you maybe give me a suggestion where I’m making the mistake?