Hi All,
I am trying to initialize a project for a custom board and zephyr. i tried it for Clion and VScode but in both cases i get an error. The custom board works well when building the application using zephyr west tool. I am looking forward for some help. Thanks in advance!
Init result screen dump
And what variant in Zephyr is the board suppossed to use? Without a zephyr object that has a variant field in the build object of the board JSON file, it will look for a Zephyr board definition named after the filename, aka superconductor in your case. And I don’t see that in zephyr/boards/arm at main · zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr · GitHub.
Great, if you have these files, it should be as easy as copying them in the project’s zephyr/boards/arm/SuperConductor folder and reference SuperConductor as the Zephyr variant in the board’s JSON file, like in the blog post.
Thanks again!
I updated the platform board JSON file with a variant setting like in the next image
I moved my zephyr board files to the project/zephyr directory. Wahu… it now creates a project without errors.
However the command PIO RUN result in the next error.
To make sure it has nothing to do with my custom board, i created a new directory and initialize a new project with a standard nucleo board from ST… PIO RUN gives the same result .
Aha, but you are using your global python installation in c:\program files\python39\python.exe. Seems like that is “the culprit”, next to the scripts not quoting the path properly.
Thanks, i am up and running. I already had a isolated phyton environment. But also a global installation. I changed the sort order of directories in the path.
I think i have a version difference between native zephyr installation and platformio zephyr.
My native zephyr app has CONFIG_PINCTRL=y This wont link in platformio (undefine or missing xxx during link) . I removed PINCTRL and Added CONFIG_PINUX=y that made it compile and link
Thanks again!