Hello, First of all I got truly impressed that after quick first time installation of PlatformIO with Atom bundle I successfully imported my 2,000+ lines code with multitude of libraries and theywere all successfully built… too good to believe?
Yet linter keeps showing errors such as "SdFat.h: No such file or directory"
If I comment out this include file, it complaints about the next one…and I have many:)
I did rebuild C/C++ Project Index - didn’t help.
All my libraries were imported from Arduino project (obviously - otherwise build would not succeed) .
My env:
Windows 7
Atom 1.10.0
Pio version 2.11.2
Please help
We don’t develop PlatformIO 2.0 and will not support it. PlatformIO 3.0 is going to be released next week. Could you try with the latest development version? Redirecting...
Additional information:
The only method I found in your documentation to see all the libraries listed is to run in terminal:
platformio lib list
But it returns nothing. Empty.
I did not find the description of the working of the libraries manager.
My guess is that there are 3 locations: default libraries installed with Pio, custom libraries imported along with existing Arduino project and also “lib” directory in platformio project. It seems that above cli command only shows the content of the “lib” directory of the project. And that is empty in my case.
This is confusing. I downloaded just yesterday the latest bundle Platformio + Atom + Cli for Windows from this platformio.org site.
This is a long… Please switch to PlatformIO 3.0 and forget about all problems. pio lib list
doesn’t return results because you checked “use Arduino libraries” when imported project (I suppose). PlatformIO doesn’t manage libraries which weren’t installed with it. PlatformIO 3.0 allows to manage custom/extra library storages. See the latest (not released) docs Library Dependency Finder (LDF) — PlatformIO latest documentation
Could you explain what is confusing? Thanks.
Yesterday I installed the latest bundle of platformIO from this site and today I am told by one of developers on the same site that you don;t even develop this version. Don’t you see confusing contradiction?
Regarding Pio not showing libraries which are external to it - this explains well just as I was guessing. I am looking forward to a 3.0 release, ability to add custom library storage and also a good visual manager of used libraries I consider among major features of any IDE.
Thank you for help
I mean that we don’t develop PlatformIO 2.0. PlatformIO 3.0 is replacement for it. In any case, you can switch to PlatformIO 3.0. It is very stable and is close to final release. PlatformIO 3.0 will perform automatic upgrade from PIO 2 to PIO3.
Now I see. You meant to say that you “stopped developing” 2.0 version continuing with 3.0 instead… your previous wording made a confusion…
Will you release 3.0 this coming week?
Please sorry, my English isn’t good. Yep, PlatformIO 3.0 this week. I think - Wednesday!
I am thinking to just ignore the linter messages for now and continue with builder/linker until next Wed. release.
Your work is quite promising. It took me days to get my code running in Eclipse. I could hardly believe my eyes when right after installation of your Pio I imported my whole project and it was running!
As right now I only miss:
-good visual library manager to see all installed libraries and their locations,
-ability to easily add library, specify it’s location
-to see visually which port is attached to the project for upload and change it ( target board could be the same) . As of now I only can “guess” about port to be used for upload.
everything else looks great to me.
I sincerely wish you to continue good work.
PlatformIO 3.0 is out! Please upgrade!