PIMPL idiom with PlatformIO

Hi guys,

I have a problem and I would ask you for help.

I have the following scenario:
I built a small software for Mega2560 compatible board.
Now, I want to switch to a Due compatible board.
In order to use the DMA of the Due I have to switch also the display library. The display controller is not the same.

I though using the PIMPL idiom would be good to “hide” the actual hardware dependent implementation.
I created first the wrapper UI.h
#ifndef UI_H
#define UI_H

#include <SPI.h>

#define TFT_RST 10
#define TFT_DC 7
#define TFT_CS 9

class UI

      void begin();
      void reset();
      void drawSth();

      struct Impl;
      Impl* _impl;


Then, I have the UI.cpp file:
#include “UI.h”

#if Is_Atmel
    #include "UI_ILI9341.cpp"
    #include "UI_ILI9325.cpp"

At this point, I want to change the implementation based on a build_flag defined in the environments of the platformio.ini

And last but not least the real implementation for the hardware:
#ifndef UI_ILI9341_H
#define UI_ILI9341_H

#include "UI.h"
#include "ILI9341_due_config.h"
#include "ILI9341_due.h"
#include "allFonts.h"
#include "allIcons.h"

struct UI::Impl
    ILI9341_due tft = ILI9341_due(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);

    void begin()


    void reset()

     void drawSth()
          tft.fillRectangle(0, 0, 20, 20, ILI9341_BLACK);

    _impl = new Impl();

    delete _impl;

void UI::begin()

void UI::reset()

void UI::drawSth()


In addition, there is of course an implementation for the other display and the Atmega2560.
But for now, the implementation is completely empty. The public methods are available, but empty.

When I am trying to compile the whole thing for the Atmega2560 I am getting the following error:
In file included from C:\Users\phoef.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoavr\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:28:0,
from C:\Users\phoef.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoavr\libraries_cores_\arduino\SPI\src/SPI.h:17,
from lib\UI\UI.h:4,
from lib\UI\UI_ILI9341.cpp:4:
lib\Fonts/ArialRounded34.h:48:33: error: variable ‘ArialRounded34’ must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of 'attribute((progmem))'
static uint8_t ArialRounded34[] PROGMEM = {
lib\Fonts/Arial29.h:48:26: error: variable ‘Arial29’ must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of 'attribute((progmem))'
static uint8_t Arial29[] PROGMEM = {
*** [.pioenvs\megaatmega2560\libf9d\UI\UI_ILI9341.o] Error 1

I was hoping, that the LDF would ignore the not included file.
I guess it is not, because I am including the cpp file?

Any ideas how to achieve a hardware independent interface based on environments?


How do you define Is_Atmel in the platformio.ini? You can also use #error "Something" to trigger a compile-time error if some define was not set the way you wanted. Thus you can check if you get to your #include "UI_ILI9341.cpp" line.

Here is my platformio.ini.
I think it’s nothing special. I define the Is_Atmel as build_flag.

env_default = due

platform = atmelsam
board = due
framework = arduino
build_flags = 
    -D Is_Atmel=1
monitor_baud = 115200

platform = atmelavr
board = megaatmega2560
framework = arduino
build_flags = 
    -D Is_Atmel=0
monitor_baud = 115200

I think that the definition of the build flags are working.
I’ve added #error "something" to the UI.h and this is not thrown, when compiling for the Atmega2560

#include "UI.h"

#if Is_Atmel
    #error "Something"
    #include "UI_ILI9341.cpp"
    #include "UI_ILI9325.cpp"

But still the error from my initial post is thrown.
From my point of view, the LDF is passing the wrong files to the compiler. But I do not understand why this is happen.

Any ideas how to get different implementation based on environments/hardware

Has nobody an idea how to solve that?
Pleaaaasee …

You need src_filter. So, you can exclude source files from building depending on the environment type.

Hallo Ivan,

thanks for your reply, it sounds that this is the way to go, but I still have problems.

platform = atmelsam
board = due
framework = arduino
build_flags = 
    -D Is_Atmel=1
lib_deps =
    Adafruit FRAM I2C
monitor_baud = 115200
src_filter = +<*> -<.git/> -<svn/> -<example/> -<examples/> -<test/> -<tests/> -<../lib/UI_ILI9325/>

I’ve added the src_filter to the platoformio.ini.
I’ve moved the real Implementation for ILI9341 and ILI9325 below lib/UI_ILI9341 respectively lib/ILI9325 and excluded this folder for the other environment.
But then I am getting strange SPI.h is missing errors.

Is it a problem, that these classes are in the library folder? Should I put them below the src folder of the project?

src_filter starts from src_dir.

If you need that for a library, see Redirecting...

again, thanks for your help.

I think we’re on the right track, but I still have problems.
Is it possible to exclude single files not directories?

platform = atmelavr
board = megaatmega2560
framework = arduino
build_flags = 
    -D Is_Atmel=0
monitor_baud = 115200
srcFilter = +<*> -<.git/> -<svn/> -<example/> -<examples/> -<test/> -<tests/> -<ILI9341_due/> -<Fonts/> -<Icons/> -<UI/UI_ILI9341.cpp>

Here is the error message:

In file included from C:\Users\phoef\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoavr\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:28:0,
from C:\Users\phoef\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoavr\libraries\__cores__\arduino\SPI\src/SPI.h:17,
from lib\UI\UI.h:4,
from lib\UI\UI_ILI9341.cpp:4:
lib\Fonts/ArialRounded34.h:48:33: error: variable 'ArialRounded34' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means
of '__attribute__((progmem))'
static uint8_t ArialRounded34[] PROGMEM = {
lib\Fonts/Arial29.h:48:26: error: variable 'Arial29' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'
static uint8_t Arial29[] PROGMEM = {
lib\Icons/warning.h:9:40: error: size of array 'warning' is too large
const uint16_t warning[16714] PROGMEM={
lib\Icons/black.h:9:33: error: size of array 'black' is too large
const uint16_t black[47680] PROGMEM={
lib\UI\UI_ILI9341.cpp: In member function 'void UI::Impl::drawSth()':
lib\UI\UI_ILI9341.cpp:125:31: error: 'warning' was not declared in this scope
tft.drawImage(warning, tft.width() / 2 - warningWidth / 2,
lib\UI\UI_ILI9341.cpp: In member function 'void UI::Impl::drawSth2()':
lib\UI\UI_ILI9341.cpp:318:23: error: 'black' was not declared in this scope
tft.drawImage(black, 0, tft.height() / 2 - blackHeight / 2, blackWidth, blackHeight);
*** [.pioenvs\megaatmega2560\libf9d\UI\UI_ILI9341.o] Error 1

When moving the hardware specific part of the UI classes in an separate folder, I’ll get some strange errors, that the SPI.h library could not be found …

Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!

Sure, just use srcFilter = +<*> -<src/single.file>

as you can see in my last post, I‘ve excluded the UI file for other display, but according to the error message it is still considered during compilation?


from lib\UI\UI_ILI9341.cpp:4:

Could you provide a simple project to reproduce this issue? Also, please check a case of letters.

Sure, please find attached a sample project.

When compiling for due everything is working fine.
But when I am trying to compile for the mega2560, then an error occurred as platformio seems to include the Fonts folder into the compilation process.

Thanks for your help.

You have a Library Dependency Graph will details. Also, check in verbose mode pio run -v.

See DueDisplayTest/lib/UI/UI_ILI9341.cpp which depends on DueDisplayTest/lib/Fonts/allFonts.h

Please read Library Dependency Finder (LDF) — PlatformIO latest documentation and learn how to exclude some library from a build process.

Hallo Ivan,

thanks for you reply.
I am sorry, but I still didn’t get it.

I set the LDF mode to chain+. As far as I understood the documentation, I thought the LDF would follow my #if Is_Atmel pre-processor statements and NOT include the UI_ILI9341 files. Then, I would have expected that all the ILI9341 related files would not be considered by the LDF?

But I still getting an error …

The other way around, when compiling for the due and the chain+ option is set, I am also getting an error, that the ILI9341_due_config.h could not be found …

I am getting more and more confused.
Could you please help again :-)?

Now I understand what do you mean. You have a few files in a library and want to exclude someone from a build process. src_filter in platformio.ini works ONLY FOR PROJECT SOURCE FILES.

If you need dynamically exclude files from build process, you need extraScript for library. There is a good example on that page how to do that.

Hallo Ivan,

thanks for your help, I might have found a solution.
According to your last post, I understand, that excluding the source files is not possible, when they are libraries (only with a extraScript).

But I do not neceserraly have the need to put the UI in the lib folder.
So, I moved all the files in the src_dir/UI folder. Then I enabled the src_filter again. Excluding both UI_ILI**** files.
In addition I’ve set the LDF mode to chain+, as otherwise the config.h will not properly loaded for the due.

I’ve uploaded the project again: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Apt1qXSUQKkxxFk1MGUZ3sKKLeQw
Could you please have a look if this is a robust and valid solution?


I checked it. Looks good!

Happy coding with PlatformIO! :blush:

Thank you so much :slight_smile: