Hi everybody and thanks in advance. I am having problems accessing and updating my ESP-WROOM-32 device with OTA. After having read tons of posts, I could not solve it. And it seems the same that more people have solved, but I have tried a lot of things and the issue continues. Problem is very easy. I launch from platformio OTA-env the “Upload and Monitor” and in seems to begin, and then… Crash!
I have turn off my firewall, and I have tried from different PC’s but it did not work. The code of the project is quite easy, and the ArduinoOTA.handle() is in the “loop()”. Any of you could give some clue to solve it? Thank you again.
Thank you sivar2311. At the beginning it did no work, deleting the line you told me, but, what I did is to write it all again but without that line and… it worked. But, now the process does not go beyond 14% 7 meters away from router, getting “Error uploading *** [upload] Error 1”. And nothing else. Just this shot message.
I have got up to 34% 2 meters away from router. I do not know if it was the wifi card of the ESP32.
Hi. When you say that I try after erasing the flash, I guess that is with the device connected to the USB, because it cannot access de network.
I did it this way and, I do not know why, the “No response from the ESP” came back. I will try again later.
Hi and thanks for your quick answer. Yes, the board is connected to the Wifi because I am sending a message through serial telling it and, I can ping it. Even a I hava a little Web Server working. I can access its web.
I have tried again with the same result. I will try after lunch again.
Regarding the flash memory, the result of the commands getflashchipsize, chipspeed and chipmode is this:
Tamaño total de la memoria flash: 4194304 bytes ← flash memroy size
Velocidad de la memoria flash: 40000000 Hz ← flash memory speed
Modo de la memoria flash: 2 ← flash memory mode
Edit: One question? Can a delay(30000) thay I have at the end of the loop be interfering in the ota process?
And two: Why the commando I told you gave me 4MB of Falsh and during the OTA process PlO is telling Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect" RAM: [== ] 15.3% (used 50100 bytes from 327680 bytes) Flash: [======= ] 66.4% (used 869965 bytes from 1310720 bytes)
Checking PIO messages when uploading code I have read that the flash is 4MB but, why “1310720 bytes”???
Great!!! It worked!! Thank you for you advice. I am a one week newbie in this world or micros and I thought that the OTA method worked using an interruption or something similar.
What do you thing about what I told you about the flash memory? Is it possible that I have been cheated with this board?