Only default build targets available

I’m trying to compile code for the Re-ARM board but only the default build targets are available.

This is within Atom on a Win10 x64 system.

The sequence I use is:

  1. click on the +New Project button
  2. select NXP mbed LPC1768 under NXPLPC
  3. select the directory immediately above the platformio.ini file
  4. click the Process button
  5. wait (and wait and wait …) for the success message
  6. click on the PIO Build button in the far left bottom corner
  7. scroll through the list of build targets that pop up - the list consists of PIO Build, PIO Clean, PIO Upload, PIO test and PIO Debug.

The same code compiles successfully for others in our group.

What do I need to change and/or do differently?

I was able to get the expected target board list on my little tablet. I know what expected looks like because another in the group posted a screen shot.

I’d much rather work on my nice fast desktop with the big displays than on the tablet. The tablet is also a Win10 x64 system.

I’ve tried the following on my desktop.

My first installation of platformio was to an old copy of Atom. I went to the PlatformIO site and clicked on the Win 64 bit installer button. All went well until the new project initialization failed. Deactivating my anti-virus software solved that. After the project was created that’s when the missing RE_ARM target was noticed.

After several hours I gave up on the desktop and tried to install it on the tablet. That went without issues except for installing clang. For this install I used the +Install feature to install platformio.

With success on the tablet I went back to the desktop and did the following:

  1. uninstalled Atom
  2. deleted .atom directory
  3. deleted .platformio directory
  4. cleaned out the recycle bin
  5. rebooted
  6. installed Atom
  7. used the +Install feature to install platformio
  8. created a new project
  9. waited to the success message

Same problem.

Just tried to compile the code a second time on the tablet and now the RE_ARM target is gone. Same symptoms as above for the desktop. The first compile had an error & I wanted to see it again.

When I did the second compile it apparently went out to the git repository and errored out because it didn’t know which branch to download. I then tried to create a new project using the folder immediately above platformio.ini. I was shocked to see all the source files gone - even the ones on the thumb drive!. OK - got the files again, copied them to the tablet, removed the thumb drive & now I have two computers with the same symptoms. :confused:

Never mind …

I was selecting the wrong folder for the project. One level higher and all is well.