Hello, I am trying to use this little board, Nucleo L432KC with PlatformIO with no success.
here is my platform.ini:
platform = ststm32
board = nucleo_l432kc
framework = arduino
debug_tool = stlink
upload_protocol = stlink
#monitor_speed = 115200
#debug_port = COM7
lib_deps = Simple FOC, Wire, SPI
And I get temporary breakpoint. the program is never uploaded
“Remote target detached” doesn’t look healthy. First of all, can you install the latset core version? (CLI → pio upgrade --dev
Then do a normal “build” and the project task “Advanced → Verbose Upload” and post the output here.
Upload and monitor works, the program downloads and the serial port opens.
However, “Run without debugging” gives me this:
Yes that looks very correct. It sets the first temporary breakpoint in the main()
function fo the firmware, which i this case is part of the STM32Duino framework. If you click “Step over” and “Step into” using the debug buttons up there, it takes you to your setup()
function, yes?