nodeMCU-32s not connecting to WiFi

If your WiFi network is not hidden and neighboring networks are found, there seems to be a problem with your WiFi.

This can have several causes:

  • poor signal strength / too far away
  • invalid / unsupported WiFi channel
  • wrong WiFi band (5 GHz instead of 2.4 GHz)

For an initial test:

  1. create a hotspot in the 2.4 GHz band with your smartphone.
  2. place the smartphone near the ESP32
  3. upload the WiFiScan.ino example to the ESP32
  4. check whether this network is found by the ESP.

I tried this, so i have two esp32 boards with me one is dev kit and other one is the nodemcu. And the wifi problem is only occuring in nodemcu because my other esp is able to detect and connect just fine with hotspots and wifi routers. But the nodemcu wasn’t even detecting ANY of the networks. And it was only one connection name from all the neighborhood that it was able to detect and that too for just moments and then it couldn’t. So maybe is there a problem with the nodemcu board??

I would also conclude that.

So i tried to work it again but just in another city where i had come for work, and tried to scan for networks. And to my surprise i saw that it was able to read Many! Networks, not all, but still many. Now i am more confused as to what the problem could be. However, My phone hotspot was still not detected, neither was my router. I tried to run the following code.

Is the smartphone-hotspot also listed now?