No matching function for call to <brace-enclosed initializer list>

Hello, I have an issue with this code. If I do this

int _seg[5] = {ted.hour() / 10, ted.hour() % 10, ted.minute() / 10, ted.minute() % 10};

    numPrint(_seg, 2);

it works, but when I do this

numPrint({ted.hour() / 10, ted.hour() % 10, ted.minute() / 10, ted.minute() % 10}, 2);

it throws

no matching function for call to ‘ClockShield::numPrint(<brace-enclosed initializer list>, int)’

Thanks for help!

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PS: smrdí ti nohy

The function is probably expecting an int[] and when you’re creating an array on the fly like that it’s technically a brace-enclosed intializer list and not an int.

You can write the function to accept a std::initializer_list, but that will cost more code space. (c++ - How can I make a constructor which lets me construct with a braced-init-list? - Stack Overflow).

And can I somehow force it to be array?

Only if you assign the the brace-enclosed initializer list to an int[]. There’s no other way that I know of.