Nothing works properly. I have problems with wire lib,spi lib,I have this issue with ESP32 S3 ILI9341 problems with rotation of display and rendering · Issue #3457 · Bodmer/TFT_eSPI · GitHub this lib also I see that anything that accesses wire crashes the esp.
I extracted esp32 s3 bactrace and the error is in this.
with help from addr2line tool. I dont know.
Idk what is going on
Even better on arduino esp32 framework it is working fine.
I found this error of diplay library like 20 days before.
sorry for my broken english Im just frustrated.
Are you using the same Arduino-ESP32 core version in PlatformIO as you do in the Arduino IDE?
Are you using the same TFT_eSPI library version in PlatformIO as you do in the Arduino IDE?
Are you using the same TFT_eSPI configuration file / options in PlatformIO as you do in the Arduino IDE?
These are the basic ones. From your log of
It’s already apparent that you’re running an outdated version of the espressif32 platform with Arduino-ESP32 2.0.6. Is this intentional? The latest release works on Arduino-ESP32 2.0.17. Note that this is still not the very latest Arduino-ESP32 v3.0.4.
In the Arduino IDE: File → Preferences → Turn on “Verbose Build”. Press the build button again. Copy-paste all the output into and paste link here