New project fails to install - "Could not install package 'platformio/toolchain-xtensa32 "

Could not initialize project, which is weird because I already have other esp32 projects working on the machine. But I did choose IDF instead of Arduino. Ideas?

`PIO Core Call Error: "The current working directory C:\\Users\\Mike\\source\\repos\\ESP_RF_test_tool_v2.5 will be used for the project.\r\n\r\nThe next files/directories have been created in C:\\Users\\Mike\\source\\repos\\ESP_RF_test_tool_v2.5\r\ninclude - Put project header files here\r\nlib - Put here project specific (private) libraries\r\nsrc - Put project source files here\r\nplatformio.ini - Project Configuration File\r\n\n\nError: Could not install package 'platformio/toolchain-xtensa32 @ ~2.80200.0' for 'windows_amd64'`

I tried a directory without a period, same issue, but using the default location seemed to work. .

Weird, because that file is there in the package repositories: Service End for Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter | JFrog

The project directory

should still have been created though – can you open it in VSCode with the “Open Project” button?