New Changed Project management

I been using Platformio for a while and to have multiple projects was easy, just select any file from project and whala… then things changed, you need to select a project from drop down menu, it was fine until my drop down list have been updated with pages of items, non project spesific, could not find my projects… I closed all projects to start fresh, but now if I select workspace I can see my project but cannot compile it, it open another combo box, but not complie option available , I need to exit PIO and only the next open I can compile as I use too. However if I open another project it stays with the first, and I cannot find te new one in the combo box… until I removed the first one from the workspace, so I am stuck with one project…

Do you have a howto use the new project system, I could not figure it out… How I use it does not work well for me , or how can I revert to the old system…

Thanks in advance

Known issue per and Intermittent can't build issue, shows "Configure a Task" popup list · Issue #2554 · platformio/platformio-vscode-ide · GitHub and Automatically switch to newly created project's environment · Issue #2414 · platformio/platformio-vscode-ide · GitHub.

This should not happen. If you open the project and the PIO project is in the workspace, you should be able to select it. Can you show a screenshot of that happening, showing both workspaces in the file explorer but only one showing in the project environment switcher?

In the current extension version there is no way to change it. After complaints from users who said that detetcting the currently opened file and the with it associated PlatformIO project was not working well for them, it was changed for all.



However if I open another project it stays with the first, and I cannot find the new one in the combo box

This should not happen. If you open the project and the PIO project is in the workspace, you should be able to select it. Can you show a screenshot of that happening, showing both workspaces in the file explorer but only one showing in the project environment switcher?

  • I uninstalled everything including platformio, start fresh VSC install, got a double VSC on startup., new one with nothing and old one with one of, my prev projects, I deleted the old and install all again. The new empty VSC could run and execute a dummy project. I then opened up a new project and could change to it, using the dropdown menu, but it had pages of entries and thought I would take a snap and send it today, but when I opened it this morning only a few items were in the combo list… Seems like the reopen fixed it.
    I then however open an old project, this time it populates the dropdown box with again many items. See attached photo, the dropbox is huge and cannot fit on a single screen, only the fist few items are on the photo.


Okay and that the dropbox list is long is expected or not for the opened project? It does really have all these [env:..] entries in the platformio.ini?

This picture, which seems to link to Google Mail doesn’t load for me.


Please rightclick on the pic → copy image → start a new forum reply to this thread → Ctrl+V to paste it.

It looks like this only happens when I have a Marlin (3D printer) project open. You could use the default marlin 2 as on Download | Marlin Firmware version to verify. All info in marlin ini file looks like is added in the dropbox. I tried to add marlin ini file but could not. Think these line are the issue:
src_dir = Marlin
boards_dir = buildroot/share/PlatformIO/boards
default_envs = LPC1768
include_dir = Marlin
extra_configs =