NetBeans Support

Hello. I am wondering if NetBeans is no longer supported by PlatformIO. I have exhausted my search online for information. Recently I updated both of my computers and resintalled PlatformIO. Since then, I can no longer use the command “pio init” with the argument “–ide netbeans” . The result is the following error:

Error: Invalid value for ‘–ide’: ‘netbeans’ is not one of ‘atom’, ‘clion’, ‘codeblocks’, ‘eclipse’, ‘emacs’, ‘qtcreator’, ‘sublimetext’, ‘vim’, ‘visualstudio’, ‘vscode’.

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NetBeans project template files are still in the latest PlatformIO core:

>pio init --ide a
Usage: pio init [OPTIONS]
Try 'pio init -h' for help.

Error: Invalid value for '--ide': 'a' is not one of 'atom', 'clion', 'codeblocks', 'eclipse', 'emacs', 'netbeans', 'qtcreator', 'sublimetext', 'vim', 'visualstudio', 'vscode'.

I recommend you to use the CLI and execute pio upgrade --dev to get the latest PlatformIO core version.

This is a bug, fixed in

Please re-test with pio upgrade --dev.

Thank you very much. After running “pio upgrade --dev”, the issue has been resolved.
I appreciate the help!

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