Need help installing PlatformIO to VSCode on Windows PC

I am trying to install PlatformIO on a new install of VSCode - I uninstalled the previous version because of the same problem.

The screen shot is the message I am getting but I am not even close to knowledgable enough to understand what it is saying and how to resolve the problem. I hope someone can help

Sadly the actual error is cvut off at the bottom. What happens when you click on “check available solutions”? Does it give you a full backtrace?

Hello Maxgerhardt, thank you for responding to my post. After i posted i then spent some time trying to decipher the error info i was getting and realised after looking at other comments on the internet that I didn’t have a recent version of python installed so i did that and made sure it was in the Path. I then found another post that suggested 3 fixes to try. The second one to create a .platformio directory at root of C has fixed my problem and i now have Platformio installed in VSCode and working as expected.
Again thank you for your response.

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